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3 Methods to Effectively Protect Your Garage From the Elements

 Posted on October 22, 2021 in Uncategorized

The midwest is well known for its drastic weather conditions. Our harsh winters are a great contrast to our severely humid summers. Temperatures on both ends of the spectrum, along with the high winds and dramatic storms we see throughout the remainder of the year, can have a substantial impact on a home's garage. Not only do these weather conditions make it hard to effectively utilize a garage, but when a garage is not prepared for and maintained through these conditions, the quality of the garage can suffer.

Illinois certainly sees all four seasons, and because of this, residents may notice the effect the elements have on their home and garage. To protect a garage for the coming months of cold and other severe weather conditions, follow these recommended methods.

Protecting a Garage From Weather Conditions with These 5 Methods

1.) Insulate the garage properly and thoroughly

A warm garage in the winters and a cool garage in the summers will almost guarantee more time spent in the space. A comfortable temperature will make the garage much more comfortable and dynamic. The average garage owner may not completely understand the challenge of properly installing insulation and should understand the best techniques. There are numerous options for providing a garage with additional insulation including foam boards and fiberglass batt insulation.

2.) Weatherstrip the garage doors

Weatherstripping helps doors to better control indoor temperatures. It acts as a seal between the opening of a garage and the garage door. Unfortunately, due to use and weather exposure, the stripping can damage over time and dry out. Cracks and dryness allow for the cold air to flow into the garage. In this case, the weatherstripping should be replaced.

3.) Install a unit heater

While weatherstripping doors and adding insulation are sure to help protect a garage, a garage may not fully be suitable for winter months until a unit heater has been installed. Unit heaters are generally available in both electric and gas options. Because gas heaters will require exhaust venting and a gas supply, they are typically more difficult to install, however, they tend to be the least expensive option. Alternatively, electric heaters are a convenient option for garage heating, but they are often more expensive to operate.

Contact Our Chicago Area Custom Garage Builders Today

Natural elements can have a significant impact on a house, including the garage that accompanies it. Whether you plan to spend significant periods of time in your garage during the upcoming winter months or simply want to protect your garage's quality and functionality, it is important to adequately protect it from severe weather conditions.

If you have decided that it is time for a new garage or wish to add an addition, our Downers Grove custom garage builders can help. Call 630-852-8485 to speak with our team today.

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