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4 Steps Toward an Organized Garage

 Posted on February 28, 2022 in Uncategorized

Has yourgarage become the proverbial "junk drawer" of your home? Have you reached the point where you can't even fit your car inside due to all of the random tools, sports equipment, yard games, and anything else that does not have a home elsewhere in your house? Cleaning up a cluttered, disorganized garage may seem daunting and overwhelming, but with a little preparation and some hard work, you can turn your garage into the ideal space you have always envisioned it to be.

Step 1: Set Aside Time

If your garage is in need of deep decluttering, set aside a specific time to do the work. It is probably best to decide ahead of time, as well. Do not suddenly decide to clean the garage one day, or you might get pulled away by your other responsibilities. Instead, choose a day and set an amount of time to focus on what needs to be done in your garage. You might also consider enlisting some help, whether you ask a friend to help you in exchange for food and a six-pack, or you coordinate with your spouse and children to make sure everyone is pitching in to get the job done.

Step 2: Start by Organizing

You might need to make a bigger mess before you can clean up the existing mess, but you should begin by dividing the items in your garage into categories. Identify household and yard tools, auto parts, and sports equipment, for example, before you decide where each group of items should go. You need to know exactly what you have first. It might even be necessary to pull everything out of the garage and into the year or driveway as you get started. At this stage, you should also get rid of anything you are not using or will not use in the foreseeable future. Donate what you can and trash the rest.

Step 3: Plan Out Storage Spaces

With everything categorized and trimmed down, it is time to decide where things will live in your garage going forward. Frequently used items should be accessible, and things you do not use often can be a little harder to reach. If you need new shelves or cabinets, now is the time to get them and have them installed. Tool chests and pegboards can also help you get your tools organized and put away properly. Do not overlook three-dimensional space, either. Bicycles, kayaks, and other large items might be best stored by hanging them from the rafters of your garage.

Step 4: Put It All Back Together

Now that you have categorized your belongings and prepared storage spaces, it is time to put everything back in the garage. Put things in their new homes, then step back and take a look. Before you get too far into it, you can make adjustments regarding where things should go. If things still feel too cluttered, you might need to pare down a bit more or look into additional storage options.

Contact an Illinois Garage Specialist

If your garage decluttering project has you thinking about a more permanent solution, possibly including a new garage, theChicago garage experts at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. can help you understand all of your available options. Call 630-852-8485 to speak with a member of our team about your garage-related needs today.


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