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How Can I Beef Up My Garage’s Security?

 Posted on February 19, 2020 in Uncategorized

Summer or winter, rain or shine, one thing you can always count on is the possibility of crime. In many cases, homeowners will alarm their house, upgrade the doors and window locks, and light up the porch and back yard, but they may forget about one of the softest targets on the property: the garage. In fact, 9% of all home burglaries begin in the garage, and detached garages present a very enticing target as they are usually close to an alley, offering a convenient avenue for escape.

While it is true that home break-ins normally happen during broad daylight, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm when adults are most likely to be at work and the kids at school, it is also true that burglars prefer easy targets. An easy target is one that has:

  • Low street visibility
  • Homes with no sign of security systems or features
  • Visible signs of decay or disrepair
  • Unsecured doors or windows
  • Side or back doors that are easy to breach
  • Open basement doors or windows

Here are some ideas to make your garage the sort of target a burglar would want to pass by:

Improve Visibility

One of the best ways of keeping burglars out of your garage is to make sure the whole neighborhood can see what is going on around it. That means you need to ensure that all entry points, including doors and windows, are visible from the street. If you have trees, shrubs, or any other obstructions, clear them away and plant thorn bushes such as roses under the windows to discourage anyone from approaching them.

You should also consider those burglars that prefer the cover of night. For them, you want to install motion sensor floodlights that not only illuminate the front of the garage, but the sides as well. This can be especially useful for detached garages. You should look for lights that are at least 1,000 watts and offer 180-degree coverage from a height suitable to illuminate the area adjacent to and some distance away from the garage.

Be Discreet

Thieves break into garages because they can see valuables inside. The number one way to keep that from happening is to keep your garage door closed. How often have you driven through your neighborhood and have seen open garage doors? How often have you done it yourself while mowing the lawn or doing some other chore on the property? Thieves do the same thing, cruising neighborhoods and looking into open garage doors.

Thieves also go about on foot, so garage windows that are left open or have no blinds or curtains are a certain draw. They love to look in, and if they can see that you have something valuable in the garage, there is a good chance they will come back.

To avoid giving thieves a tempting target, you may wish to install blinds on any garage windows, as well as an automatic garage door closer with a sensor that detects the position of the door and closes it after a given period of time.

Lock it Up

The points of entry into your garage are the garage door itself, as well as any side doors or windows. There is also one point of entry that many people forget: the door leading into the house. To secure these points of entry, be sure to use heavy-duty deadbolts that prevent easy entry. It is also a good idea to prevent easy access to a garage door opener, such as keeping a remote opener clipped to the visor of a car that is parked in the driveway.

Consult a Custom Garage Expert in DuPage County

At Blue Sky Builders, Inc., our garage professionals can help you understand the best ways to secure your garage and prevent theft. We can help you install the necessary locks and security systems or upgrade your garage door to one that provides you with the safety you need. Contact our Downers Grove garage renovation specialists at 630-852-8485 to arrange for a free estimate.

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