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How Can I Deal With Snow and Ice in and Around My Garage?

 Posted on January 22, 2020 in Uncategorized

In the Chicago area, winter weather can cause a great deal of difficulty for homeowners, drivers, and even people who just want to walk outside safely. When snow piles up on your roof, vehicles, driveway, and the walking surfaces around your home, clearing it away so you can walk and drive safely can be a difficult task. Ice can be even worse, creating slipping hazards that may not be easy to see and potentially damaging your garage and your home. However, if you are prepared to deal with the effects of cold weather, you can prevent damage and clear away hazards quickly and efficiently.

Keep Snow Removal Equipment on Hand

You probably have tools such as snow shovels or a snowblower that you use to clear snow from your driveway and walkways, but they are not always easily accessible. By storing these items near the entrance of your garage, you can be sure that you will be ready to clear away snow when you first open your garage in the morning or when you arrive at home in the evening. You can also help prevent the accumulation of ice by sprinkling rock salt or ice melt on the surfaces before a snowstorm or when temperatures are about to drop.

Invest in a Garage Floor Mat

When you park in your garage, snow or ice on your vehicles can melt, causing damage to the floor or items stored in your garage or leading to slipping hazards. Ice and snow are also often tracked into a garage as people go in and out. To protect your garage floor and make sure people can walk through your garage safely, you can install rubber or fabric floor mats that will absorb melted water and provide traction.

Check Your Gutters

If the gutters on your garage roof are clogged, this can cause water to back up and freeze. This type of "ice dam" can cause additional water to build up, resulting in leaks that can damage the roof and interior of your garage. During cold weather, you should make sure water is flowing through your gutters and downspouts correctly, and you can prevent damage by clearing away any clogs or backups.

Contact a DuPage County Custom Garage Expert

With the proper preparation, you can ensure that cold temperatures and inclement weather do not damage your garage or your home, and you can quickly address any issues that make it difficult for your family to enter and exit your house. If you have questions about how you can improve your garage and make sure you will be able to survive the winter, contact the Downers Grove garage renovation professionals at Blue Sky Builders, Inc. at 630-852-8485.

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