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How to Host a Football Party in Your Garage

 Posted on December 28, 2016 in Uncategorized

Your garage space has the ability to be transformed into just about any creative idea you have if you put the time and effort into it. Now that the holidays are over, it is time for sports lovers to focus on what they enjoy most. Transforming your garage into a place to host a football party is just one way to celebrate your favorite team's victory. Before tackling the decorations, there are a few important key steps you must put into place.

When there is not enough room in your house, use the garage:
If your home is not the ideal size to host a large party, transform your garage into a comfortable area for your friends and family to gather. As long as you have the proper appliances accessible and all unnecessary tools and items in your garage are put away, you should be all set to begin organizing your football party.

Safety comes first:
Illinois weather is typically cold during football season, especially around the Super Bowl. So, remember to insulate your garage so that it remains warm for your guests. Another warming source to consider is setting up a few heating lamps. Just one or two lamps should be fine in your garage to ensure that this space is properly heated at all times.

The main attraction:
Providing a quality viewing experience is a top priority when it comes to hosting a football party. Make sure to set up the TV in a spot in your garage where everyone can easily watch the game from. Once you have picked where it is going to be placed, it is important to also set up comfortable chairs for your guest to relax on as well. If you have extra chairs lying around the house, you can move those into the garage for a few hours. Once you have your full viewing experience all set up, you can then focus on decorations.

Football team decorations:
Make sure your guests know the exact team you are cheering for. Hang up your team's flag, banners, pictures, jerseys, and any other team merchandise you may own. You can even set up a mini fridge for drinks or a microwave for homemade dips you have for the party. This brings up the last, but not least, items on your football party checklist: food and drinks.

Food and drinks: Fill your fridge with a variety of drinks and snacks for all your guests can enjoy while watching the game.

Remember to keep these tips in mind when transforming your garage into a football party space. At Blue Sky Builders, Inc., our team of garage experts is here to help with any garage related project. Call 630-852-8485 or contact Blue Sky Builders, Inc. online to chat with us about your next garage needs today.

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