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Painting Your Garage Door: 7 Easy Steps To Follow

 Posted on January 29, 2014 in Uncategorized

Painting your garage door can seem like a daunting task that many homeowners fear. So many things that have potential to go wrong: Bubbling, warping, running paint are all things that can cause homeowner headaches. However, by following these 7 Easy Steps to Paint Your Garage Door, you can bring beauty and durability to your garage door's appearance.

1. Testing the Weather before Painting

Before grabbing that bucket of paint, you need to think of the appropriate time to paint that door. You need to complete this project when temperatures aren't too hot or cold. You'll also want to avoid rainy or cloudy days. Be sure that you start early on the day you do choose so you'll have enough time to complete the project.

2. Preparing Garage Doors for Painting

This is probably the toughest part of the job, but also the most important. You have to prepare the surface if you want that new paint job to last. Start by sanding down the peeling paint. If you have metal garage doors, you'll need to sand down any rust. You'll also want to paint metal doors with primer to prevent further rusting.

3. Cleaning Your Garage Door

Be sure to clean the garage door thoroughly before you start painting. Wash down with a sponge or use a power washer set on low. Pay attention to the lower part of the door since this is where the most dirt accumulates.

4. Tape the Areas You Don't Want to Paint

Prepping the door may take time and it may seem unnecessary, but if you do take the time to tape off the areas you don't want to get paint on, you'll save time later on. Lay down plastic under the door to keep the wet paint from sticking to the ground underneath the door.

5. Priming Your Garage Door

If you are changing colors, or if there are dark or rust spots on the door, you'll want to paint a coat of primer first. Be sure you use a primer that is made for outdoor use and one suited to the surface you are painting.

6. Paint

Now, you are finally ready to start painting, but don't rush the job. You want to make sure you have everything you need; paint, brushes, and everything else you need. Use a latex based paint and add one layer of thin paint at a time. Allow each coat to dry before you start painting the next. Use a paint roller for the larger areas and a brush for the edges and corners. Add three to five coats of paint, but be sure to allow each coat dry for a few hours before you add the next. Review your work as you go, making sure you've covered all areas of the door in each layer.

7. Clean Up

Once you finish painting the garage doors, be sure you clean up and remove any open paint containers. Thoroughly wash paint brushes and remove paint rags from the area. Keep the tape and plastic down for 24 hours before removing. This will ensure the paint doesn't come off on any other surfaces.

Your Garage is Important, Keep it in Top Shape

We understand that painting garage door can assist in not only the beauty of a home, but also the value. Understanding the task at hand and knowing where to begin can ensure that you will have a safe, easy, and mishap-free garage painting experience. Spring is coming, and we hope to help you with all the needs of your garage building, maintaining, or remodeling experience. Check out our Garage Door Maintenance Check List to ensure safety to you and your family.

For 35 Years, Blue Sky Builders, Inc. has provided service to consumers and businesses in Chicago and its surrounding areas by building high quality garages and offering unmatched customer service. We thank you for your continued patronage and look forward to helping people for years to come.

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