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The Benefits of a Well-Insulated Garage During Winter in Illinois

 Posted on January 13, 2022 in Uncategorized

As winter conditions in the Chicago area continue to worsen, having an insulated garage provides an array of benefits. The best way to protect yourself from energy prices going up in the winter is to make sure heat is not escaping unnecessarily through poorly insulated walls. Being able to save money every month on bills while protecting your belongings at the same time are reason enough to have your garage insulated. There are additional benefits that come along with protecting your garage from extreme temperatures associated with living in or near Chicago.

Saving on Heating and Energy Costs

Since a garage is the least energy-efficient part of a home, moderating the temperature will reduce the amount of energy required to heat the rest of your house. A garage is often connected to the living room or kitchen of a home, and on occasion, below a bedroom. Any adjacent room in your house will benefit from the garage being properly insulated.

Since garages aren't technically considered living space, the construction guidelines are more lenient. This can lead to gaps in the structure, which can cause air to leak into your house. If your garage is just above or below freezing temperature, that will likely have a considerable impact on your monthly heating and energy bills during the winter months. A poorly insulated garage will also lead to higher costs in the summer months as the heat from the garage will radiate into the joined rooms in your home.

Additional Benefits of Having an Insulated Garage

In addition to being more comfortable, there are added benefits to having a well-insulated garage. It should not only help extend the life of your vehicles but also help protect the personal items you have stored inside of your garage. Extreme temperatures throughout the year can lead to your belongings being damaged, likely diminishing the life expectancy and value of each of those items. Having an insulated garage can also add substantial market value to your home because of the savings a potential buyer would have from lower energy costs.

Contact Our DuPage County Garage Door Experts

Due to the severe winters in the Chicago area, you may want to consider having your garage insulated. If you have questions about your current insulation or looking to protect your garage, contact ourDowners Grove garage professionals today at 630-852-8485 to arrange a free estimate.

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